Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Quick Dry Love Glove!!!

Have too much hair?  Are you having a hard time figuring out how to get all that hair dry fast enough?  Well,  you are in luck!  I was asked a question that directly relates to the situation and we are using a solution in salon that rocks!  One that makes it faster,  easier,  and a lot more fun to get it dry fast!  Check it out...

"Hi Jon,  I am enjoying your "Look Of The Day" and all the hair advice,  thanks for putting it out there.  I finally have a question to ask of my own,  I was wondering if you new any other ways that I could dry my hair quicker and with a little more ease.  I am a new mom and finding the time to dry my hair correctly is hard to do.  Thanks for your help and keep up the fun!"

Okay so before I get started I gotta say that I absolutely love this product!  I mean we have been using this product in our salons for the past couple years and we have never had any problems.  We use it on most guests and have seen them last quite along time for the amount of usage they get!  The product is called the "Hand Dry Hair Glove" an amazingly innovative tool that allows you to dry your hair faster and smoother before picking up your brush and blowdryer.  I love it and recommend it to most guests,  even if you have fine hair.  The only difference is that for a fine haired client it will be even more effective!  Anyway, awesome product great results at a fair price ($24.95 Canadian per pair) Check them out they work great!

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