Thursday, December 29, 2011

Resolution Ideas!

Hey Folks!  hope you all enjoyed the much needed rest over the holiday period... I can tell you that we at the salon surely did!  I am sure you were all spoiled with great family time and moments that hopefully will last a very long time.

But its time to start focusing on what it is your`e a going to change for the new year!  I for one would recommend maybe looking into your haircare regime.  How many times a week do you  flat iron your hair?  How many times a week do you shampoo? How many times a week are you blowdrying?  What type of products are you using and are they quality?

The answers to these questions only you have.  What are they?  Only you can answer.  The issue is if you are doing any of those things on a more than regular basis then you probably have to start treating your hair with a bit more love and respect.  It can`t look the way you want if you don`t give back ( Like any other relationship!).  Anyway,  we will move to explain why these things are troubling to your hair and what to do about it over the next couple of days.  We just wanted to plant a seed... 

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